
Archive for Jun 24th, 2011


Friday 24 June 2011

Yesterday I went for a mammogram – my first.  The letter that invited me told me that since I was now fifty or close to it, the time had come.  I know I’m getting older, but the fact written down in black and white made me pause for thought.  In my last post I told you I was letting my grey grow through and now I’m old enough for a mammogram.  I’m not sure what to make of this information just yet as it goes round and round in my head, but I’m sure I’ll come to terms with it eventually – maybe by the time I get to fifty-five?

The mammogram wasn’t as awful as I was expecting and the waiting room was jolly with women who all suddenly been told in a letter that they were getting older.  We compared feelings about this and generally had a laugh.  Being the nosy type I asked to see my xrays and the lady was happy to explain them to me.  On the whole they looked fine, she said, but if they weren’t they’d be sure to let me know.

Afterwards I wandered into Highbridge (our nearest small town) to look for an instant haircut.  I no longer bother to make an appointment but come in off the street to see if they can do it now.  If they can’t, I go somewhere else.  One short haircut is very similar to another and I’ve yet to find anyone that does it so spectacularly that I need to go to them constantly.  In five weeks it’ll be grown out anyway so if it’s awful it won’t last for long.  In cutting my hair the stylist successfully removed what little un-grey hair I had left although she felt it would be better when it all went grey so it was evenly coloured.  It looks like the front will be grey long before the back so maybe I’ll go for the ‘distinguished’ grey-wing thing after all.

Dan is away at Glastonbury this week with a group of friends so Gordon and I have been milking by ourselves.  We think of him and hope he’ll be alright in the rain.  Last year it was dry, but it was the first time in a long time.  I should imagine by now it’s pretty much a mudbath, but he’s used to that!  His partner isn’t but I expect they’ll both cope.

I went to fetch Stephanie on Tuesday as she needed to move out of her student accommodation for the summer.  The back of the car was full to capacity and now it’s been deposited in her bedroom here, so there’s very little floorspace left.  She unpacked her clothes long enough to choose a selection and left for Spain early this morning with her boyfriend for a week.  She’s texted me already to say it’s warm there – I would hope so.

Whilst in Cheltenham I met up with Alex too who had the day off and she told me she planned to come home on Saturday evening for a few days so I’m quite excited about that.  Despite being away for such a long time she still suffers from homesickness so every-so-often she needs to come back for her ‘fix’.  This suits me fine.

Steph’s boyfriend is good with computers so before she came home he set-up a spare wireless router for me and gave me simple-to-follow instructions for installing it once I got home.  Low and behold it actually works and I’m able to connect my previously unpopular laptop to the internet from the lounge and kitchen.  We were initially told, in the early days of broadband, that our walls were too thick to cope well with wireless internet so never bothered to try it, but a laptop is pretty redundant if it has to be plugged into the router in the office, which is where my desktop is!  I might as well just use the desktop pc!

Finally, I’m free of the dreaded cables.

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